Kamis, 31 Januari 2013


You know what the pict right??
yupp,, I'll tell you about this newest album, i'll give you some photos XDD

Finally 2PM has released their 2nd Japan album. After almost 2 years they vaccum. The album is "LEGEND OF 2PM"

This album will be releas on febuary 13 2013, in this album there will be 13 songs. And 4 thei singles before, that is "Masquerade" , "Beautiful" , "If you are here" , and "Forever". Lee junho have contribute 3 or 4 songs *forget^^*

2PM will have 13 concert in Japan, the concert have start from January 11 2013.

this is the photo of themm... ^^

1. Kim Minjun

*Game of Thrones*

*Minjun names is Apollo : The God of Music (because he is the lead vocal and have an angel voice, he have the names, ^^)

2. Nickhun

*The Rome*

*Hermes : The God of Messengers (because he is very kind and care about the others he have this name ^^)

3. Ok Taecyeon

*The Last Emperor*

*Zevs : The King of The Gods (because he is have a good body so, from the appearance he can be the king ^^)

4. Jang Wooyoung

*Spartacus Blood and Sand*

*Hades : The God of The Underworld (because he is like a mother, so a mother aways support from behind ^^)

5. Lee Junho

*The Phanthom of The Opera*

*Poseidon : The God Of the Sea (because he can be the fira rage, he be the god of the sea ^^)

6. Hwang Chansung

*Les Misreables*

*Ares :The God of War (because his face is ike a gangster, he is the magnae but he like that he is the adults ^^)

Then this is the list of their new album "LEGEND OF 2PM"
01. The Legend (new song, maybe this album will have MV *hope)
02. Masquerade (album ver,)
03. Beautiful
04. So Bad (*)
05. Only One (*)
06. Missing You (*)
07. Want You Back (*)
08. This Is Love (Compose by JUNHO) (*)
09. Kimi Ga Ireba
10. I'll Be OK (*)
11. SOS Man (*)
12. Breakthrough (*)
13. Forever

#(*) New song

Yess, this is about their 2nd Japan Album
hope you like it

PS : min HY (Sorry if I knowledgeably because I dont know why they have all of the name, kekekek~ ^^)

Khun : Twitter Update (January 31)

RT @0624khunnie : Bye bye Osaka! I'll be back~^^ Here's a picture with my brother from another mother! = ] have a nice day!!

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Tweet Updates

RT @0430yes :  ini sangat lucu, aku rasa aku tidak bisa memakannya ㅋ ㅋ Aww ~ Serius berpikir sekarang ㅠ ㅠ Terima kasih ~ ♥

#oppa mau satu dong, XDD

Legend of 2PM Emblems

Di beri lambang bintang dengan 3 sudut yang artinya kedamaian lambang ini juga sangat pas untuk Junho kita bisa menilai sendiri Junho sangat bersikap kalem di depan kamera sehingga memancarkan aura yang membuat orang lain juga merasa damai karena auranya haha

Di beri lambang 2 pedang yang artinya berjiwa kesatria, pemberani dan melawan rintangan... lambang ini sangat cocok untuk Taecyeon karena dengan badannya yang besar membuat dia terlihat seperti kesatria yang gagah berani...

Di beri lambang Mahkota yang artinya kemuliaan, berwibawa, bersikap pemimpin yang handal, serta bertanggung jawab atas perlakuannya lambang ini membuat Woo jauh berbeda dari sebelumnya yang dimana Woo sangat manis namun sekarang dengan simbol yg seperti ini Woo di buat semakin dewasa dan dimunculkannya aura kewibawaan Wooyoung

Di beri simbol MATAHARI mempunyai arti pusat segalanya, mewakili Raja, berfikir secara matang dan sangat dewasa lambang ini sangat cocok dengan karakter Chansung yang sangat Dewasa kita bisa liat update.an twitternya yang sangat dewasa,

Di beri lambang 3 bintang (1sum:4dimensions) mempunyai arti kecerdasan, simbol keberuntungan dan seseorang yg tinggal dengan keyakinanya sendiri artinya kecerdasan kalian tahukan hottest Khun menguasai 5 bahasa dan itu sudah cukup menunjukkan bahwa dirinya memang Smart dan arti dari 1sum:4 dimensions itu seseorang yg mempunyai Rasa PD yg tinggi...

Diberi lambang 3 senar harpa artinya perbuatan baik & sangat berbuat adil sikap ini sepertinya ada di dalam diri Minjun terlihat dari wajahnya Jun.k or minjun sepertinya mempunyai sikap & sifat seperti ini

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Song Lirics of Let It Rain-Nickhun 2PM

So, this is the first publish from me, enjoy the song ^^

Nichkhun- Let It Rain

This is..for my Hottests.
Close my eyes and let the world go by
I feel the rain drops on my mind
And when the time gets the hard with nowhere left to hide
Just wanna drop down and cry
Then you came and changed my life
Being the bestest friend of mine
Oh I can’t ask for more
So let them bring it all…
Let it rain
Let it rain
Oh I ain’t scared no more
Let it rain
Let it rain
I know I got you by my side

Then you came and changed my life
Being the guardian angel of mine 
Oooh baby
Wrap your wings to protect me
Without you I can’t make it through the rain 
Let it rain
Let it rain
Ooh I ain’t scared no more
Let it rain
Let it rain
I know I got you by my side 
Like an angel
Like my mother
Like the bestest friend of mine
I know I got you
Like my mother
Like the bestest friend of mine
Like an angel 
Like my mother
Like the bestest friend of mine
So I..
Let it Rain


Eee yoww.....
Whats up Hottest???
So, this is the new Blog
This blog shared about 2PM, about FF, song lirics, pic, jokes, and other XDD

Well, I'll introduce myself
this is min Song Haeyoung you guys can call me min HY ok??

actually in this blog there is 2 admin, but I'm ot sure about min Park Hyesoo or HS. hope you can enjoy this blog ^^